Thursday, December 15, 2011

Facebook saves lives

I was sent a link to an article about people who refuse to use facebook and how their life is better without it.  When I am not busy saving the world from flying bats working, I spend a lot of time on facebook.  It's hard for me to imagine a life where I don't know that my third cousin took a large dump that looks like Abraham Lincoln or that someone is watching their 1989 VHS tape of Christmas Vacation and thinks it's hilarious.

My problem with online articles today is that there are so many of them, spewing out every second of the day that fact checking is not a necessity and 73% of article facts are made up on the spot (possibly even that one).

Here are a few of the errors I found in this article:

Article: "I knew all these things about her, but I’d never even talked to her."
Actuality:  This makes it much easier for me to scam people for psychic readings.  I will open up a shop next week.

Article: “I wasn’t calling my friends anymore.”
Actuality: Cell phones cause cancer.  Facebook doesn't.

Article: "Some people make the decision not to use it because they are afraid of what might happen.”
Actuality:  These are the same people who wear tinfoil on their head....speaking of which, we are out of Reynolds Wrap.

Article: If I want to see my fourth cousin’s second baby, I’ll call them.”
Actuality:  You cant see over the phone.

Article: Mr. Munns said his dating life had benefited from his lack of an online dossier: “They haven’t had a chance to dig up your entire life on Facebook before you meet.”
Actuality:  Mr. Munns said his dating life had benefited from his lack of an online dossier: “They haven’t had a chance to dig up your entire life on Facebook see who you've murdered with a shovel before you meet."

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